Two New Workshops Available!

Two New Workshops Available!

You are invited to attend two new workshops being offered during Week 9 of this Fall quarter.  These workshops will introduce you to advanced Canvas features that can enhance your teaching. Both workshops will be held in the back of the TechBar, on the first floor of...

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New Feature in Canvas: Document Rotation in DocViewer

New Feature in Canvas: Document Rotation in DocViewer

Did you know that you can now rotate the page view when viewing a file in Canvas' DocViewer tool? This feature allows instructors and students to manually rotate images and documents in DocViewer to allow easier viewing of files that were uploaded with a different...

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Analytics Beta: Canvas’ New Analytics Tool

Analytics Beta: Canvas’ New Analytics Tool

“How can Canvas help me analyze how my students are doing?” Analytics Beta is a new Canvas tool that provides better analytics for tracking student data. It has an interactive chart or table which allows you to customize views of data and filter for specific items. ...

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Anonymous and Moderated Grading in Canvas

Anonymous and Moderated Grading in Canvas

“How can Canvas help mitigate grading bias with Anonymous and Moderated Grading?” Canvas can help mitigate bias in grading student work with two features: anonymous grading and moderated grading. There are many benefits to setting up “blind” or anonymous grading. By...

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Announcing the 14th Annual Faculty Technology Receptions

Announcing the 14th Annual Faculty Technology Receptions

Please join your colleagues for the 14th Annual Faculty Technology Receptions.  Sample wine and cheese pairings while learning about technology resources available to UChicago faculty, lecturers, instructors, and researchers. Services including resources for new...

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Grading Efficiently with Canvas

Grading Efficiently with Canvas

You can do a lot more than collecting assignments, entering grades, and weighting grades in Canvas (see our blog post on Tips on Managing Assignments and Grades in Canvas). In fact, Canvas’ Gradebook, Speedgrader, online Rubrics, and communication tools can help you...

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