

Workshop Information

Workshops are open to all faculty, instructors, teaching assistants, and staff who manage Canvas courses.

Guides and Training Videos

For Instructors

Online Documentation

Video Guides

Self-Paced Course

Sample Courses

Here are a few selected courses that make use of Canvas features successfully to facilitate teaching and learning. They also serve as examples of a few ways a Canvas course can be organized. Click on the course title link, and log-in with your CNetID and password to view the courses as a student.

For Students

Online Documentation

Self-Paced Course

  • To join the self-paced Learn Canvas for Students course, log-in to Canvas, go to the dashboard, and follow the links on the announcement to self-enroll. Or, go to All Courses, search for Learn Canvas, and click on the course link.
For Organization Site Leaders (Faculty and Staff)

If you are a leader of a Chalk organization site and wish to migrate its content, please review our Organization Site Migration Overview (PDF) document for options and procedures.

If you wish to create a new organization site, please go to our Canvas Organization Site page for steps and resources.

Canvas Mobile Apps

Canvas has a number of mobile apps for different audiences and purposes. The “Canvas by Instructure” app can be used by both instructors and students to access course content, notifications, to-do list, inbox, and calendar; view and post announcements and discussion board posts; take quizzes; and view assignments and grades. The “Canvas Teachers” app allows instructors to edit and grade course assignments, and communicate with students.

iOS Devices

Remote Teaching & Learning

Remote Teaching & Learning Resources